During the course of spring break, the Computation and Communication: Promoting Research Integration in Science and Mathematics fellowship (C2PRISM) had a series of shows at Jersey City’s Liberty Science Center.
The group is a non-profit urban scholar society; it is an on-campus organization born from the collaboration between science-focused clubs. C2PRISM and their associated groups delivered two science-oriented demonstrations to teach children about different topics, such as the basics of physics. These events are part of an effort to get more children interested in STEM related fields and to inspire more great scientists, physicists and doctors.
The presentations occurred on March 19, comprising two showings delivered by groups of scientific ambassadors from the biomedical engineering society and the core C2PRISM group. They presented to two groups of 10, with age ranges from 5th to 7th grade.
The biomedical engineering group gave a demonstration on the heart to inform children about their field. Titled the Science of the Healthy Heart, the group was made up of Edek Williams, Dino Magou, Derek Yip, and Mat Yarossi, all members of the biomedical engineering club on campus. At the show, students saw their heartbeats interpreted as electrical impulses via Verneer (EKG) equipment. There will be another showing of the biomedical demonstration on May 21st for a bigger audience at the LSC.
Meanwhile, the physics presentation that was headed by the main C2PRISM group was about the Basics of Units of Measurements and Kinematics. The demonstration was given by [REDACTED], Paul Cornejo, and Anthony Apigo, who is the current president of the organization. They taught students how to calculate their height by using kinematic equations; they dropped a ball from their height and measured the amount of time it took for the ball to reach the ground.
The events were huge successes with the students that attended, who enjoyed the demonstration. They were really interested in the application of physics in reality.
C2PRISM, which emphasizes communication and computation, has a goal to communicate research and science to peers and experts in the fields. They work with NJIT students to develop scientific communication skills needed to explain scientific topics to experts and youth alike.
However, C2PRISM is not only for young students. The group regularly has events for students on campus that need help with the hiring process. They have an upcoming Resume Building Workshop on April 17, from 4-5PM, where students can have their resumes evaluated to highlight their strengths and refine their weaknesses. Students can submit their resumes by the 15th to have it reviewed by a graduate students.
Resume submissions need to be sent to c2prism@gmail.com. If you are curious about the club, any questions can also be sent to Anthony Apigo at ara36@njit.edu, or Joe Geissler, the graduate advisor and co-founder of C2PRISM. These two can divulge the date and time of the next meeting. These currently vary, but there will be regular monthly meetings next semester.
Steve Chan