This fall the NJIT Music Initiative is beginning its third year and has quickly become a fixture in the NJIT landscape. Each week three musical ensembles meet to rehearse in preparation for a concert at the end of the semester. The string ensemble, conducted by Karen Pinoci, meets on Thursdays from 4:15 – 6:15 in Campus Center room B35 of the campus center. The wind ensemble, conducted by Nicholas Santoro, meets on Wednesdays from 4:15 – 6:15 in Central King Building room 116, and the Jazz band, led by Dave Rimelis, meets on Tuesdays from 7-9PM in Campus Center room B35.
The Music Initiative is housed in the Theater Arts and Technology Program under director Michele Rittenhouse and student participants are eligible to earn one credit per semester up to a total of 3 credits for participating in one of the ensembles. Students may email music@njit.edu and request a permit to enter the course. Send your name, ID number, section you are interested in joining for THTR222.001, 003 or 005.
Also, students should be on the lookout for concerts where musicians are brought in outside of the school. This semester, Ed Shea a percussionist from the Broadway scene will be coming to perform on Oct 6 and Francoise Choveaux a French pianist and composer will be coming on Nov 29 to perform her own compositions together with an art show relating to the pieces entitled Music in Museums.
This semester promises to continue the same quality of excellence that we have learned to expect under the expert tutelage of our wonderful conductors. In addition, this fall the string ensemble will be joining with the Rutgers-Newark chorus to perform the Pocabel Magnificat. In addition to students, administration and staff are welcome to join the ensembles. If you are an interested musician, get your instrument out of mothballs and join us. If you don’t have an instrument but wish to play in one of the groups, we may be able to supply you with one. For further information you can contact music@njit.edu.