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NJIT's Student Newspaper

The Vector

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NJIT's Student Newspaper

The Vector

NJIT's Student Newspaper

The Vector

Yoga: Does it Really Help?

Sandra Raju and sraju December 2, 2020

Yoga, a practice originating in India about 5,000 years ago, has been taking off in the United States in the past decade. With its purpose being to increase self-awareness and improve overall mental and...

Flora App Review

Flora App Review

Sandra Raju and sraju April 22, 2020

Whether it’s waiting till 11pm to do your homework due at 11:59pm, or furiously citing the minimum five resources into your English paper just a class before, as your fellow college student, I think...

Microplastics: A Not-So-Micro Problem

Microplastics: A Not-So-Micro Problem

Sandra Raju, sraju, and kji February 21, 2019

Plastics: they are in everything we use. They make our lives easier and are highly cost-effective but remain for hundreds of years and—if not properly disposed of or recycled—can degrade into microplastics.  With...

Research Says: Stick to Your Fitness Goals for One More Week

Research Says: Stick to Your Fitness Goals for One More Week

Sandra Raju February 14, 2019

Stick to your fitness goals for just one more week: researchers at the University of Texas, Austin recently discovered that previously sedentary young adults instructed to exercise regularly began choosing...

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