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The Vector

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NJIT's Student Newspaper

The Vector

NJIT's Student Newspaper

The Vector

Kean University’s New Architecture School: Competition for NJIT?

Kean University’s New Architecture School: Competition for NJIT?

Helena Halasz November 13, 2014

Late October, New Jersey's Kean University unveiled plans for their new architecture program at a ceremony that Saturday. The university had hired Michael Graves, a famed architect who has taught at Princeton...

Engineers Without Borders Attends National Conference

Engineers Without Borders Attends National Conference

Helena Halasz November 13, 2014

NJIT's Engineers without Borders (EWB) team spent the weekend of Halloween attending the 2014 National Conference hosted in Reston, Virginia. Patrick DeLong, and I joined the club’s president, Dan Caputo,...

Challenge Coins: NJIT Public Safety's New Tokens of Recognition

Challenge Coins: NJIT Public Safety’s New Tokens of Recognition

Stephen Chan November 13, 2014

NJIT’s public safety department recently unveiled new challenge coins for students, faculty, and public safety department supervisors. The coins, designed by students and faculty alike, are to arrive...

Tech Talk: The Nadella Regime

Tech Talk: The Nadella Regime

Awais Qazi November 13, 2014

Things have changed at Microsoft. Ever since Satya Nadella took the reins of the multi-billion dollar company, things have been different. The company has become quiet, and yet so prominent in the last...

Young Alumni Committee presents: YAC's Facts

Young Alumni Committee presents: YAC’s Facts

Billy Barry November 13, 2014

The NJIT Young Alumni Club (YAC) added a new, monthly feature in October 2014 called YAC’s Facts to our weekly column in the NJIT Vector. Each month, we will share a fact of the “real world” from...

With Difficulty Comes Ease

Noor Shahin & Nooruddin Hashmi November 11, 2014

Four exams, a quiz, and 2 lab reports in a week. So much to do in so little time. It all seems so hopeless, like a huge wall that separates you from rest, fun, and life. It may look like there’s no end...

Top 10 Medical Innovations for 2015

Top 10 Medical Innovations for 2015

Aditya Uppuluri November 11, 2014

As mentioned in the last edition of the paper, this week’s article will explain the rest of Cleveland Clinic’s Top 10 Medical Innovations. All of these breakthroughs aim to extend lives by combining...

Film Column #7: The Terror. The Horror.

Scott Waldmann November 11, 2014

Throughout film, bringing the imagination to the screen is every writer’s or director’s dream, but what about the nightmares? These are the dark spaces in the mind that wake each of us up from a long...

SAC’s Comedy Night Featuring Richie Holliday

Silky Seal November 11, 2014

Recently the Student Activities Council (SAC) held a special event featuring comedian Richie Holliday. Before the night started I was able to get a personal interview with the comedian Richie Holliday...

Mixtape Music

Giovanni Dinzey-Aninipot November 11, 2014

College is a bizarre place. It is not like the actual world. It is this vacuum of constant intoxication and twisted idealism. Going to classes on a campus is weird as hell. School is the only time all...

“The Flowers of St. Francis” Reviewed

Patrycja Puzio November 11, 2014

“The Flowers of St. Francis”, a visual treat from the director Roberto Rossellini, was an unexpected delight with a somber subject matter. Despite the presence of a renowned Catholic figure in the...

Top 10 Coolest Sounding Sports Terms

Guest November 1, 2014

Ace –The volleyball term for when a serve lands in the receiving team’s court either without being touched by any player on the receiving team or it is touched by only one member of the opposing team...

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