The Weekly ARTicle
Louie Pronstroller the ArtBoss
Featured Artist of the Week – Student Art Society’s newest member!
ArtBoss: For our readers, what’s your name?
Artist: My name is Silky Seal, but you can call me Silky Smooth.
ArtBoss: What year and major are you?
Silky: You can say I’m a little soph, because I’m a sophomore. Engineering science is the major I chose.
ArtBoss: And your favorite color?
Silky: The color blue I really adore.
ArtBoss: Now what’s your favorite animal?
Silky: I’d have to say that I love cats.
ArtBoss: That’s true. Cats are their own meow. So, what’s the inspiration for your art and what art medium do you use?
Silky: My inspiration comes from life, love, and friends, and those are facts. The most common medium indeed is a sketch pad (and pencils) for me.
ArtBoss: So what is your favorite subject or theme for your art?
Silky: Tattoos are beautiful, tribal is great. However I do enjoy drawing a face.
ArtBoss: Who is your favorite artist?
Silky: I’ve never drawn from artists. I don’t have a favorite one.
ArtBoss: And, what is your favorite space to work on your art?
Silky: When the weather is bright, or sometimes late at night.
ArtBoss: Besides our SAS Yum Yums, what are your favorite snacks?
Silky: Chipotle’s chicken bowl is the best
ArtBoss: Yeah, I heard good things about it from my friends. Now, what other hobbies do you have?
Silky: Hanging out with my friends, cooking, and listening to music.
ArtBoss: Random question, what is your favorite day of the week?
Silky: Wednesday!
ArtBoss: The good ol’ middle-of-the-week! Yay! Now, what do you consider to be the best thing about being part of SAS?
Silky: That other people get to see my work that they may have not known of otherwise.
ArtBoss: Displaying your artwork is always an adventure because you get to see people’s reactions to various pieces. Lastly, how did you feel when you were chosen to be our Featured Artist of the Week?
Silky: I think it’s a wonderful opportunity to let people see a side of me they didn’t know I had. I’m honored.
ArtBoss: We’re glad to have you as our brand new SAS member! Welcome to our club!
Silky: Thank you!
ArtBoss: Silky, on behalf of the Student Art Society, we appreciate you for being our Featured Artist of the Week. Thank you for helping us keep art alive @ NJIT. We look forward to seeing you and your artwork during our future events and shows!
Silky: You’re welcome!
ArtBoss: Keep your eyes peeled next semester for more ARTicles!