On the first week back to school, NJIT Student Senate hosted its annual Week of Winter. Wednesday’s event was snow themed, including games and activities such as frozen turkey bowling, a fruitcake toss and sled racing.
Winners of these games were awarded t-shirts, artfully designed by Senate Corresponding Secretary Benita Benjamin. The theme for this year’s Week of Winter was “Winter is coming,” which is a famous quote from the “Game of Thrones” series. To pay homage, the t-shirt design contained a nod to the direwolf, the sigil of one of the major families in the show.
Along with other students, Benita enjoyed the event and a lot of the activities offered. “Class was canceled but we had some fun in the snow at the Senate event. I’d say sled racing was my favorite activity.”
A crowd had lined up to participate in the turkey bowling activity, which is the same as traditional bowling except replacing the ball with a turkey. Said Murat Duru, a brother of Theta Chi fraternity, “turkey bowling never gets old, I’ve done this at almost all of the Week of Winter events that I have been to and it’s a real blast. It’s a lot of fun to see everyone line up and try to knock bowling pins over with a wrapped turkey.”
Vector photographer Mengxin was also present at the event taking pictures and enjoying herself with the company of her fellow students. “It was pretty cold but everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun,” she said. And speaking of cold, it was freezing. At certain points I had to go inside the Campus Center just to warm up for a little bit, and when I went in I saw a group of people huddled together to get warm as well. People were standing around shivering; however, everyone was outside having fun, enjoying themselves, playing games and winning prizes.
Photo Credits Mengxin He