Hi NJIT! I am Shreya, a second-year law, technology, and culture major! So excited to be back on campus and involved with The Vector for another year! As Editor-in-Chief, I oversee the various steps involved in publishing and marketing our biweekly issues in addition to acting as an external representative or the ‘face’ of the newspaper. When I am not doing important newspaper duties or working, I like to sing, write, and watch movies!
I think the community aspect of The Vector was what really pushed me to join. Seeing the chemistry and dynamic between the previous eboard made me realize how vital teamwork is when trying to accomplish big things. I am very much looking forward to creating that bond with my fellow eboard members and to fostering my love for writing and sharing ideas!
Managing Editor 
Hello! I’m Arwa, a second-year chemical engineering major and this is my first year as Managing Editor for The Vector. I joined The Vector in my first year as a writer, and this year my role focuses on developing a biweekly storyboard with story ideas for the weekly meetings as well as editing, writing, and supporting the publishing nights! If you are interested in writing for The Vector, feel free to reach out or stop by Room 466 in Campus Center.
My advice for the incoming class is to not restrain yourself due to any past fears and truly be open to exploring all possibilities. Don’t shy away from joining a club’s general meetings, attending a sports game, or even joining study groups and office hours. You never know who you are going to meet and the community that can grow from that moment. Friends, whether in similar classes or clubs, are critical for maintaining an academic and social life balance, so building that from the beginning is so important to your academic careers.
Web and Multimedia Editor
Hi everyone! I’m Hafsa, a third-year business and finance major and The NJIT Vector’s Web and Multimedia Editor! I initially joined the newspaper in my first year as a copy editor and writer, and this year, I’ll be managing our website and online publishing process in addition to our various social media accounts. Some of my responsibilities include writing our biweekly newsletter, updating our website with new content, and increasing engagement on our website and social media. When I’m not in class, I enjoy hanging out in Campus Center (especially The Vector office) and getting ice cream and coffee with my friends.
My advice for new students to better acclimate to campus would be to join clubs and attend events on campus to meet people with similar interests and make new friends. Campus has many helpful resources including the Tutoring Center and Career Development Services, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it!
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @njit_vector and on X @TheNJITVector! As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns about the website or our social media.
Design Editor 
My name is Allie He, and I am a third-year human-computer interaction major and the Production Editor for The Vector this year! I will be overseeing all design-related matters for the Vector including layout, graphic design, flyers, and more.
I’ve found that the best way to make friends in college is to focus on doing what you enjoy instead of actively searching for friends. You’ll naturally meet others who share your interests and are alike, and friendships will form. Once you make friends, they’ll introduce you to their friends, and soon, you’ll have a whole network. Join activities, clubs, and events that genuinely interest you, like playing soccer. Most of my friends came from events and clubs, and now we’re all close with each other’s friends, too. I do almost everything with friends; it makes things so much more fun and productive: studying, hanging out, or just talking. It’s so different experiencing new things with people you like and growing together.
Business Manager
Hello! I am Shreyal! I am a third-year computer science major with a minor in communication. This is my second year as The Vector’s Business Manager, and I am very excited to start another productive year with everyone at The Vector.
I love writing and journalism in general. Interviewing people about their lives without getting dirty looks is a dream for curious people like me. I joined The Vector to learn about the NJIT community and contribute to it. Also, I really wanted to make some friends when I started my first year, so joining The Vector definitely led to that happening successfully.
Photography Editor
Hello! I’m David Bendezu, the Photography Editor (now officially a totally real position) for The Vector. I’m a senior computer technology student who works as a business intelligence analyst year-round, and this is my third year with The Vector. Initially, I joined the paper with photography as a hobby that I’ve enjoyed for years, but after getting to know everyone and the work they put into each edition, I wanted to contribute more!
If I could tell my first-year self something to better acclimate to campus it would be to stick around and try out different events; most of them are great networking opportunities and are also fun. I think the best way to make friends at NJIT is to just talk to people, whether they’re classmates or people you meet at events — you never know if you don’t try. My friends are a huge part of my time here at NJIT; we help each other out if we have shared classes, and we also hang out at the Highlander Pub to kill time.