IFSC Special Events Chair Every year, the fraternities and sororities on campus compete in Greek Week, a series of competitions hosted by the Inter Fraternity-Sorority Council.
During the week, the competitors collect an item for charity, things like soup cans, soda can tabs, and toiletries are common examples. This year, the Greeks are challenging the NJIT community to give more to charity than they can. The item had remained a mystery to all but a chosen few until April 22, and now is the time to start collecting!
The chosen item is shoes for the international non-profit Soles4Souls, an organization that collects thousands of shoes to distribute to those in need. Information about where the shoes go can be found at soles4souls.org. Each pair of shoes will count as one (1) point, and the winner will have the most points at the end of the week. Shoes must be gently worn so that others may wear them.
Money can also be donated, and will be put towards the cost of transporting the shoes to the distributor. The collection will be held in the Campus Center from April 28 at 10AM to May 2 at 4PM, with the winner being announced at the Greek Awards Banquet on Friday, May 2 at 7PM in the ballroom.
Greeks represent less than 4% of the student population, yet every semester they raise thousands of dollars for philanthropies and give thousands of hours of community service. In Fall 2013, over $17,500 was donated and more than 4,500 hours were given by the Greek community of less than 400 students.
While you can be sure the Greeks will put up a strong showing, we hope that we get crushed, and are able to donate a whole lot more shoes for people in need! To follow along with news about the event, be sure to join the event on Facebook at http://on.fb.me/OzYG4X. Thank for reading, and good luck NJIT!
Adam Westenberger