By Babatunde Ojo
NJIT Rosetta Stone
If you’ve ever wanted to learn a new language and didn’t know where to begin, NJIT offers Rosetta Stone’s first levels for many languages. At NJIT it is often joked about how the professors or TAs aren’t the best English speakers, but they have put in the effort to learn a difficult language on top of their own difficult field of study. There could come a time at your future workplace when there is a need for someone who can speak Spanish, Mandarin, German, or even Yoruba, and that someone could be you. The possibilities of learning new languages, even just the basics, can open doors you would have never been able to see before. The stranger you hear at the bus stop speaking Arabic, could be someone you could get to know. Taking the first level of a language might persuade you to keep going, so it is definitely worth a try.
Free NJIT based Webpage for Students!
If you’ve wanted to practice your Web Dev skills, or maybe create an online portfolio to showcase your work, NJIT offers each student their own webpage. Normally it would cost $10 a year to maintain your own site, but if you use “” (using your own UCID in place where it says “ucid”), you can use it for whatever you feel like. Depending on your operating system, you can upload your files via AFS, or through some other file transfer protocol (FTP). If you need help setting it up, check out NJIT’s Association for Computing Machinery (GITC 4th Floor) for assistance.
NJIT Information Systems and Technology
Taken from, “The Information Services & Technology Division provides a full range of central information technology services to support the university’s academic, research, student service, administrative, and public services initiatives.” One of those services is offering free software downloads spanning across four operating systems (Linux, MacOS, Solaris and Windows). Programs can be downloaded when on campus or on the school’s virtual private network (VPN) from home.