By Chirag Arya, Student Senator
The Student Senate is currently processing all of the information it received from its Feedback Fair on Friday 2/19/16 in an effort to ensure all needs and requests of students are met.
The Student Senate had its weekly meeting on Wednesday 2/24/16 at 3:00pm in B35 in the Campus Center. The meeting focused primarily on financial hearings for clubs and choosing students to fill vacant positions. The Student Senate swore in Amy Ng as the new Treasurer, Kareem Awad as the School of Management Representative, Stephanie Tran as the Architecture Representative, and Yasmine Elfarra as the Commuter Representative. Congratulations to Amy, Kareem, Stephanie, and Yasmine!
In addition to the new senators, there were also some resignations. Kamal Raghibi, Newark College of Engineering, and William Busarello, Digital Design, resigned from their positions this week. Thank you Kamal and William for your service to Senate.
In other news, several senators reported about their feedback sessions that happened the week prior and discussed the action they would take to alleviate any issues that they found. Vice President of Student Affairs also gave a report regarding the Student Activity Fund, which was able to pass two proposals including a new piano and musical instruments, which should be arriving before the end of the semester. At the end of the meeting several senators announced their feedback sessions, full schedule can be found on the NJIT Student Senate website, and Chirag Arya was awarded Senator of the Month for the month of February.
Overall, this was a productive week for Senate as it processed the information from the Feedback Fair and swore in new members to help fill the vacant seats. Please join Student Senate in its next meeting on Wednesday, March 2 in Room B35 of the campus center!