President Trump has not been an impressive president, at least not in my view from this past year. For one, he is not the kind who has shown keenness to uphold peace amongst his people.
Aside from certain cases where he has chosen to grab all attention for himself, or to hit back against individuals who have “betrayed” him, time and time again, he has chosen to take party sides in important policy discussions regardless of the possible outcomes of the issue.
Throughout his campaign and his presidency, he has rarely shown awareness of the social implications that his false declarations have on the world and the wellbeing of others. Neither has he shown convincing concern for the religious or political ramifications of some of the actions he has taking.
For example, Trump recently declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, pushed the United States to pull out of the Paris agreement, unreservedly supported conduct accused political candidate, Roy Moore, for a seat in senate, and promoted a new tax plan that evidently does not help the condition of middle class Americans – these are all actions that do not count well for a leader of a democratic and forward-thinking people.
Trump has not done enough in favor of less privileged groups or done much to defend the socially oppressed. He honestly has not been a president for all people.
But then, there is not much I can say about him without being excessively crude. He is a crowd pleaser, after all. He has been a president for his people, and in all honesty, it is hard to contest the possibility that he actually believes in his goals and the policies he promotes. It is only unfortunate that he has not taken the worries and needs of the rest of his population into good consideration.
On the international scene, he leads an “America against the world” approach to trading deals, the one i policy that perhaps can be argued to benefit American citizens. Most of the other things he has done have only contributed to the larger image of confusion that is his presidency. He hates, then loves China. He opposes and then supports NATO. He promotes an “America First” policy and then hardly hesitates in authorizing bomb attacks in Syria and Afghanistan.
With regards to trustworthiness, his questionable actions in relation to the Russia Investigations, his withholding of his tax-return documents and lack of financial transparency, his insistent promotion of unproven facts and inaccurate retelling of happenings do not count well on his presidency either!
I wish I could say he is at least a great president for his political party, but I have not seen any work done in the past year that perhaps has positively impacted the lives of any of his average supporters. Also, it is hard to say what proportion of his party colleagues actually think
The one group that perhaps is most pleased with his presidency are the wealthy individuals who would gain sumptuously from his new tax plan and reduced regulations on environmentally demanding activities like mining and fracking and release of greenhouse gases. For these people, I believe he has done well! However, these group of people are only a fraction of the American population.
Without all these negatives, I think President Trump could very much be a better president for the people of the United States.
In sum, I do not think President Trump has done a terrific job with promoting a united nation so far in his presidency; neither do I think well of his minimum attempts to improve the welfare of the citizens of his country. These are aspects of a presidency that I think are important, and for President Trump, could be very much improved! Going into his second year, I hope he can become a better national leader by also improving his attitude towards opposing sides through enhanced receptiveness to criticism and debate and by engaging less in offensive rhetoric.