John Dion
Informative is the best word that describes my visit to Career Fair Do’s and Don’ts Workshop hosted by NJIT Career Development Services. The event was held in September 19, 2013 in the Atrium. Overall, the information presented provided students with a detailed look on what to expect during any Career Fair they attend. In addition, the skills taught are transferrable to literally anywhere in the future, whether in school or the workplace.
To maximize your experience, be sure to attend the next workshop. In the meantime, here are some steps on how to be a better candidate that I learned from the event:
1) 30-60 second elevator pitch
With the amount of people attending the career fair, you will only have a few moments to make that great, lasting impression with company recruiters. The best way to do that is to practice an elevator pitch that gives a brief summary of who you are and what you want to express to the recruiter professionally.
2) The recruiter is not your enemy
Recruiters were once college students who also faced similar challenges trying to get their foot into the workforce. Make sure that you develop a professional rapport during the Career Fair. Bring interest, plenty of questions, and enthusiasm.
3) Utilize all of the resources offered by NJIT Career Development Services.
Get your money’s worth! NJIT students pay so that the Career Development Services can exist and offer us ways to connect us with prospective employers. CDS offers numerous workshops ranging from Resume Review (Resumania) to company information sessions. In addition, meet with your designated CDS adviser so that you can take advantage of everything they have to offer.
4) Maintain professional etiquette.
Present yourself as an individual with the potential to contribute to prospective employers. As part of the overall package, make sure to respect others, never talk about salary, use a firm handshake, and maintain proper eye contact. Your behavior and attitude during the career fair reflects you and the University.
5) Be yourself
This step is self explanatory.
For more information about the workshops hosted by Career Development Services please visit their website at The next Career Fair Do’s and Don’ts Workshop will be held in October 2, 2013.