For the non-latin readers: the title loosely translates into “Chivalry is dead”. “Oh no,” you groan, “not another ‘men are evil’ editorial from Amy!” As bittersweet as that is, I will admit, dear reader, this article is not just about men. This editorial touches on an aspect of chivalry that transcends gender. It is the type of chivalry the Three Musketeers would be proud of: one for all and all for one.
For the purposes of this editorial, the phrases will be applied to two different instances. The first centers around how the phrase can be applied to working on an Executive or Editorial board. When one member of your team cannot fulfill their responsibilities as an Editorial board member, all other members must pull together to ensure they can help said member in their responsibilities.
Now, that clearly explains the application the “all for one” has on the e-board. What about the “one for all” portion of the saying? To explain my interpretation, I need to involve another saying: a team is only as strong as its weakest link. The member who consistently neglects their responsibilities puts unnecessary stress on their team members. With the added responsibilities, each team member spends less quality time on fulfilling their own responsibilities. This in turn affects the quality of the work the organization outputs.
The “one for all” mentality is demonstrated when said negligent member takes into consideration the effects of his/her behavior on all others on the e-board. He/she must do all they can possibly to ensure they complete their responsibilities and duties as assigned. If not, they risk putting their organization in jeopardy.
“Amy, you mentioned there would be two instances. What’s the second one?”
To those who are involved in organizations on campus: as a community, we must be careful with what we say about others. We can all agree; older friends we made within our prospective organizations made us aware of the reputations of some other organizations on campus. As newcomers to NJIT, we had not been able to verify for ourselves the truthfulness of these allegations and had simply taken their word for it.
Seems innocent enough. However, it becomes a dangerous vicious cycle when we in turn are the older friends passing on information to the newcomers. This tradition does more harm than good. It causes a rift within and between NJIT organizations and debilitates our unity as a campus community.
One for all and all for one.
We are all NJIT students. Every one of us needs to band together and dispel any negative misconceptions concerning our school. When Highlanders speak down on anything to other Highlanders, they are more likely to follow suit around those who are not aware of the entire situation. When we speak highly of other Highlanders, we are more likely to follow suit around those who are not aware of the entire situation. Both instances apply to on and off campus conversations.
Allow people to come to their own conclusions. Let them discover that the club every one treats as pariahs are in fact misunderstood, genuine students with similar goals. Do not spread false information about your fellow Highlanders. Someone’s reputation is at stake. Lord knows if the tables were turned, you would not appreciate it if someone did that to you.
The Knights Code of Chivalry did not pertain to just how a knight should court a love interest. It was, for the most part, about living a life of servitude guided by bravery, justice…and honor. Honor, not only to those who you are in service to but also your fellow knights.
My fellow Highlanders:
- Be brave. Fight for what you believe in. Stand up for yourself. Do not let others determine your worth, as an individual or an organization.
- Seek truth. Do not take things at face value. Discover on your own if someone’s claims are true.
- Respect others. Take into consideration the consequences of your actions on others. Your words carry more weight than what you can imagine. Give to others and expect nothing in return for when day comes, you will get your due.
Amy Bracero