Last weekend saw the completion of an annual tradition at NJIT, the Freshmen Games. Not to be confused with the larger Highlander Games event, the Freshmen Games are a series of team-building contests designed to bring the freshmen class closer together.
None of the games are particularly difficult or intricate, so anyone can join in on the fun. Games demand teamwork. Before the start of the games, freshmen are encouraged to form teams, complete with names, special designs, and even decorated T-shirts.
Perhaps no other game demonstrates the need for teamwork more completely than “Centipede”. A favorite of the Games for quite some time now, Centipede is a game that involves a number of players all standing on two wooden planks affixed with ropes. The ropes are used to pick the wooden planks up while the players are standing on them.
The goal of the game is to move the planks forward to a predetermined point, then turn the planks around, and move back to the starting point. It seems simple, but it’s a lot harder than it sounds. Without coordination on the part of the players, movement is almost impossible.
Beyond the lessons in teamwork that the Freshmen Games provide, they’re also a great opportunity for freshmen to meet new people and make friends.
For future planning, the timing of the games may not have been the most convenient, and definitely should be considered in the future. In fact, the games took place on a weekend at a school that’s largely attended by commuters, and the first round of common exams are coming up. The turnout for future freshman games can improve with scheduling and timing.
All in all, it’s important for freshmen to get out and get involved. It’s easy to say that you have more time and you can always do these things next year, but the years go by fast. College is the time to broaden your horizons and make connections that will last a lifetime. Academics are important of course, but remember to always make time to get involved. The Freshmen Games are just one of many opportunities for students to get to know each other, and to build friendships and memories that will last the next few years and beyond.